Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Digital Libraries

 I can't help but wonder if we are heading for a library where you plug in and access everything through a small device. The new I Pads are out, cell phones can access internet and all kinds of apps are available and I hear students starting to talk about gettings the Nook or the Kindle. Where do we go from here?

I watch our teachers take students straight to the computer lab to "research" and so are books becoming obsolete?

I have to admit, I enjoy holding a good novel and reading it. It is about the senses and nostalgia: touching the book, looking at the book, the pages, cover art, the smell and even hearing the pages turn or crinkle. I love the idea of carrying a good book in my hand to give or show someone. I don't know how that will work with the new digital books. How do you share your book with someone?

But many people bring up the fact that we will not be cutting down trees for these books, however, we are using plastic and other materials that are dug from the earth to create these gadgets that are maybe not as easily recyclable as paper is. I have to admit when I gather information I tend to gravitate towards the internet. I am not going to say I enjoy carrying around a good dictionary or an entire set of encyclopedias in my bag. That is where I see the internet taking over. There is too much information out there to be housed in a book.

I am curious as to the opinion of those reading this. Do you think the library should go digital and why?

Check out another librarian's opinion on her Kindle.

1 comment:

  1. I love books that I can hold, turn pages in, feel and stack. I have many books I stack in my home. It's a waiting list of books for me to read. My 2 year old daughter loves to read too. I can't imagine showing her how to use a digital device to acess reading. In early education we assess for book reading skills. Will we we assess Kindle holding skills? Blegh, I hope not.
